Multi-band compressor - free VST audio effect plug-in download for music production, broadcasting and general audio editing.

  • Split audio into 3 configurable frequency bands and process each individually.
  • Adjust compression, stereo width and level for each band.
  • Bands can be muted to check settings for each in isolation.
  • Use the Mix control to A/B with the original material or find a sweet spot inbetween.

For more details, read through the online manual below.

GMulti Manual

Welcome to GMulti

GMulti is a three-band compressor with stereo enhancement and advanced visual feedback.

The input signal is split at user-defined frequencies into three bands. Each of these bands can be compressed independently and have its stereo width altered before being mixed back together.


GMulti user interface

Each knob is laid out the same way for consistent and easy reference. Above each one, its function is labelled. Below each is a numerical readout of its value. There is also a waveform display and a gain reduction meter for each band.

Gain: This knob adjusts the gain applied to the signal before it enters the compression stage.

Low Cut: Configure the high-pass filter. Anything below this frequency is cut. Turning the dial down to the minimum will disable the high-pass filter.

Freq 1 and Freq 2: The cross-over frequencies. The first band is defined as anything up to Freq 1. The second band is defined as anything between Freq 1 and Freq 2. And the third band is defined as anything above Freq 2.

Thresh: The compressor threshold. If the level for a band rises above its threshold, compression will be applied.

Ratio: The amount of compression to apply. The level of a band will be reduced according to this ratio whenever it exceeds the relevant threshold.

Attack: The speed at which compression will take effect after the signal level rises above the threshold.

Release: The speed at which compression will relax when the signal level drops.

Width: The amount that the stereo image is accentuated.

Level: Post-compression level adjustment for each band.

M: The switches labelled M are mute switches. When engaged, the associated band will be silent.

Mix: This controls the mix between the original and processed audio. At 0% the output is entirely unprocessed and at 100% the output is entirely processed.

Waveform Display and Gain-Reduction Meters: The amount of compression is displayed visually in two ways. The waveform display shows a before and after trace of the waveform. This display can show any band and can be zoomed in or out. There is also a gain-reduction meter for each band that shows how much the signal level is being reduced. The meters have a resolution of 1dB per bar.

Hints and ideas

  • Bass frequencies are not directional, so it is usually preferable to share these powerful frequencies between speakers. (Some speaker systems take advantage of this fact by taking the bass load from the signal and sending it through a single, purpose-built 'sub' speaker). You can use the width control to 'collapse' the stereo image of the bass band so that it is centred.
  • You can use the mute switches listen to bands individually or in any combination. This can be a great help when configuring the compression for each band.
