Low-pass filter - free VST audio effect plug-in download for music production, broadcasting and general audio editing.

  • Set cut-off frequency for low-pass filter.
  • Create filter sweeps by automating the cut-off.
  • Add a resonant boost at the selected frequency to accentuate sweeps.

For more details, read through the online manual below.

GLow Manual

Welcome to GLow

GLow is a resonant low-pass filter. It has three simple controls and one useful purpose. It filters out frequencies above a user-defined cut-off frequency, and adds variable amounts of resonance at that point.


GLow user interface

The three knobs are presented the same way for consistent and easy identification. Above the knob, its function is labelled. Below the knob, a numerical readout reflects the user adjustments or allows the user to manually specify values. One additional mini-window at the bottom of the GUI shows the peak level of the outgoing signal, in decibels.

Gain: This knob adjusts the level of the incoming signal, pre- processing.

Cut Off: Only frequencies below this level will be allowed to pass through. Anything above is cut.

Res: This knob sets the "resonance", for the filter. Resonance is created by boosting a small band of frequencies at the filter's cut off point.

Peak Display: As a supplement to your existing metering methods, GLow will display the peak level it has passed. Click in the display space to reset to "-Inf dB".

Hints and ideas

  • Automating the "Cut Off" and "Res" (resonance) knobs can add drama to an individual track, a sub-mix, or entire segments of a song at mix-down.
  • With a 0% resonance setting, GLow can be used to restrict the frequency range an instrument or track occupies, without colouring the sound.
  • Because resonance can add substantial peaks to an audio signal, keep an eye on the "Peak" window to help control the changes being made.
