GVST GChorus

Chorus effect - free VST audio effect plug-in download for music production, broadcasting and general audio editing.

  • Configurable depth and frequency for subtle or extreme chorus effects.
  • Right phase adjustment can add stereo width to a sound.
  • Mix control allows for use as an insert or a send effect.

For more details, read through the online manual below.

GChorus Manual

Welcome to GChorus

GChorus is a traditional chorus effect. It takes an incoming audio stream, splits it in two, detunes one stream by a user-defined amount, which also oscillates between being in and out of tune, and then blends the two back together again.

The effect can be thought of as adding a second performance of the material. The detuning of the second performance mimics the slight discrepancies in pitch and timing that would be present if two people were to perform the same piece.


GChorus interface

The GUI features four knobs which control all of the plug-in's parameters. Each features a label above, and an editable readout below.

Depth: Once the audio stream is "split", one copy is brought in and out of tune at a user-defined rate. The Depth control allows you to set how much detuning occurs in cents (percent of a western-scale even-tempered semitone). At 100 cents (the maximum), the copy will oscillate between being a semitone flat and a semitone sharp.

Freq: The detuning of a chorus effect is not static. Rather, the signal moves in and out of tune by an oscillator, whose frequency is set by the user. The rate of oscillation is measured in Hz (cycles per second).

R Phase: When used on a stereo signal, GChorus uses a separate LFO to detune each of the two channels. When R Phase is 0°, the two LFOs are in sync. However, changing the R Phase parameter causes the left and right channels to vary independently. Returning to the analogy used in the introduction, this is like adding separate performers to the left and right channels.

Mix: This controls the amount of the original signal vs. the amount of the effected signal that comes out of GChorus. At 0%, you will not hear any of the chorus effect, and at 100% you will not hear any of the original signal.

Hints and ideas

  • GChorus can be used to create a subtle "doubling" effect on instrumental or vocal material.
  • With extreme detuning and by aggressively cutting the dry signal, GChorus can be used for creative sound-mangling, leaving the resultant audio an unrecognisable (but glorious!) mess.
  • When using GChorus on a stereo track, you can use the "R Phase" parameter to add width to the sound.
  • When using GChorus as a send effect, the "Mix" parameter should be set to 100%.
